Has anyone ever calculated the gazillions of dollars,pounds or whatever may be your local currency,people who care for the ill outside of institutions save the government? The children born with illness that prevents them from living a normal life,the aged,the injured,all of those that,but for the love of a carer would be in institutions.Those that love these people unconditionaly,that tend them for years on end,with little help,be it financially or even respite just to have a week or so's rest.Little wonder we read more than often,situations where out of desparation these carers break.All the years without a life of their own,and with no recognition from those that have no idea what it is like to have that kind of life. Neither do I. I have no idea what it would be like.The other day in my local town of Windsor (NSW Australia) I saw a grown man crying on the shoulder of another,older man. It could have been his dad,but I think it may have been his carer,as there were a few such souls in the street that day,I think it may have been some kind of excursion for them. I watched how this man consoled the crying man,I watched around at others,helping adult children eat,walk--------these people are the salt of the earth. These carers, and parents that give up their lives for the ones they love.
Has anyone ever calculated the gazillions of dollars,pounds or whatever may be your local currency,people who care for the ill outside of institutions save the government? The children born with illness that prevents them from living a normal life,the aged,the injured,all of those that,but for the love of a carer would be in institutions.Those that love these people unconditionaly,that tend them for years on end,with little help,be it financially or even respite just to have a week or so's rest.Little wonder we read more than often,situations where out of desparation these carers break.All the years without a life of their own,and with no recognition from those that have no idea what it is like to have that kind of life. Neither do I. I have no idea what it would be like.The other day in my local town of Windsor (NSW Australia) I saw a grown man crying on the shoulder of another,older man. It could have been his dad,but I think it may have been his carer,as there were a few such souls in the street that day,I think it may have been some kind of excursion for them. I watched how this man consoled the crying man,I watched around at others,helping adult children eat,walk--------these people are the salt of the earth. These carers, and parents that give up their lives for the ones they love.
"Shhhh," she said,"there, there"
As she gently stroked his head
and wiped away a tear.
"Just one more sleep,it's your birthday."
"Will I be Mummy's great big boy?"
"yes,you are,"she said,"you are,
and your Mummy's pride and joy."
And he drifted to a restless sleep.
She grabbed that small release,
It had been a long and weary day
with little,if any peace.
Sitting by his bed,in quiet reflection.
Fifty years,they'd hardly flown,
since he was born,she'd been left to care
for Michael all alone.
"Who will watch him when I've gone?
Will anybody care?
Who will hold him when he cries
or when he wakes and shakes with fear ?
Who will wash and feed him
and tuck him in his bed?
Who will sing him lullabies,
when his mothers dead?"
She was tired,and she was lonely,
she would scream,but who would hear?
Without the help she needed
couldn't face another year.
Michael,shifted in his sleep.
She watched,and wished again
that she had the nerve to do what would
take away their fear and pain.
"Open wide for Mummy
,here comes an airoplane.
There's one for you,and one for me,
and,here comes the plane again."
When the bottle lay there empty,
she climed up on his bed,
put his head on her shoulder
as she gently whispered said.
"You're my angel,you're my sunshine,
you're the reason that I breathe,
I just couldn't go without you
so,together we shall leave.
"Shhh," she said "Its over"
as she gently,stroked his face.
then,they drifted off together,
to a much more caring place.
for Stanley and his Mum
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